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Les systèmes de lubrification Corelube sont conçus pour appliquer des lubrifiants pour câbles métalliques allant des huiles légères aux huiles lourdes.

Les systèmes de lubrification de câbles métalliques BOS ont la capacité d'appliquer des types légers, moyens et légers. Revêtements lubrifiants pour câbles lourds. L'épaisseur du revêtement est facilement ajustée grâce à nos nouveaux systèmes de contrôle de pompe. Le lubrificateur de câble métallique 850 fait circuler en permanence de l'huile/air autour du câble métallique. En injectant de l'air comprimé dans le flux d'huile, les propriétés de pénétration sont considérablement augmentées.

Équipement Corelube | Systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques
Équipement Corelube | Systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques

5 colliers disponibles. Gamme de tailles de câbles : 1,0 mm à 115,mm

Points forts de l'équipement

  • Les systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques BOS sont extrêmement solides, légers et légers. facile à utiliser.

  • Les bagues de guidage/grattoirs éliminent les contaminants de surface du câble métallique avant d'être lubrifiés.

  • Les douilles de guidage s'enclenchent rapidement et sans outils. Il n'y a pas de boulons ni de plaques métalliques, ce qui réduit tout dommage au câble métallique.

  • Chaque bague de guidage est usinée au diamètre du câble métallique pour une durée de vie et une durée de vie maximales. nettoyage des surfaces.

  • Les brosses spirales BOS s'adaptent à une large gamme de diamètres de câbles.

  • Les déformations du câble métallique peuvent traverser le collier.

  • Les câbles métalliques peuvent passer à travers le collier dans les deux sens et sous n'importe quel angle.

  • Les câbles métalliques peuvent passer à travers le collier à des vitesses allant jusqu'à 150 mètres/minute.

  • La pompe pneumatique et électrique s'adapte à toutes les tailles de conteneurs.

Lubrificateurs légers

Le lubrificateur de câble métallique 850 fait circuler en permanence de l'huile/air autour du câble métallique. En injectant de l'air comprimé dans le flux d'huile, les propriétés de pénétration sont considérablement augmentées.

Équipement Corelube | Systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques
Équipement Corelube | Systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques


  • Pénètre dans les brins du câble métallique.

  • Élimine les gouttes de lubrifiant et les projections en essuyant la corde à l'air.

  • Élimine l'humidité emprisonnée et les particules nocives.

  • Circule et ampli en continu. filtre l'huile sous pression.

Lubrificateurs lourds

La plus récente innovation en matière de câbles et d'amplis EM. Systèmes de lubrification de câbles métalliques. 4 tailles de collier disponibles. Plage de tailles de câble : 1,0 mm à 115 mm. Les câbles métalliques illustrés ci-dessus ont été enduits du même lubrifiant de transition. Remarque : Les deux épaisseurs de revêtement différentes utilisent le même système de lubrification BOS.

Équipement Corelube | Systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques


Les câbles métalliques illustrés ci-dessus ont été enduits du même lubrifiant de transition.


Les câbles métalliques illustrés ci-dessus ont été enduits du même lubrifiant de transition.

Équipement Corelube | Systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques

Collier 1100

Collier 1100-BOS, compatible avec ​​Tailles de câbles de : 0,04" (1,0 mm) à 0,625" (15,9 mm)

lubrification des câbles métalliques

Collier 2100

Convient aux tailles de câbles de : 0,125" (3,2 mm) à 1,575" (40 mm) pour ROV et amp; Pour les opérations de recherche océanographique, des jets d'air sont intégrés dans le collier pour éliminer l'eau de mer avant la lubrification.

Équipement Corelube | Systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques

Collier 1400

Convient aux tailles de câbles de : 0,125" (3,2 mm) à 1,575" (43,0 mm). Conçu pour être installé entre des câbles métalliques serrés et espacés.

Équipement Corelube | Systèmes de lubrification des câbles métalliques

3100 Collier

Collier 3100-BOS : convient aux câbles de : 0,47 po (12,0 mm) à 3,0 po (77,0 mm) Facultatif Air Wiper non inclus avec le système.

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  • Wire Rope Lubrication System (WRL)
    A Wire Rope Lubrication System (WRL) is a specialized system designed for applying lubricants to wire ropes efficiently and effectively. Wire ropes are commonly used in various industries for lifting, hoisting, towing, and anchoring purposes. Lubrication is crucial for wire ropes to reduce friction, prevent corrosion, and extend their lifespan. A Wire Rope Lubrication System typically consists of a pump, hoses, applicator heads, and sometimes a reservoir for the lubricant. The system is usually portable and can be used on-site where wire ropes are installed. The lubricant is pumped through the system and applied directly to the wire rope as it passes through the applicator heads. This ensures thorough coverage and penetration of the lubricant into the strands and core of the wire rope. There are various types of Wire Rope Lubrication Systems available, ranging from manual hand-pump systems to fully automated systems. The choice of system depends on factors such as the size of the wire ropes, the frequency of lubrication required, and the specific application needs. Proper lubrication using a WRL system helps to maintain the performance and safety of wire ropes, reducing maintenance costs and downtime.
  • What industries use Wire Rope Lubrication Systems (WRL)
    Wire Rope Lubrication Systems (WRL) are utilized across a variety of industries where wire ropes play a significant role. Some of the key industries that commonly use WRL systems include: Construction: Wire ropes are extensively used in construction for hoisting heavy materials, lifting equipment, and scaffolding applications. WRL systems ensure the proper lubrication of wire ropes used in cranes, elevators, and other lifting devices, enhancing their durability and safety. Marine and Offshore: The maritime industry relies on wire ropes for various applications such as mooring, towing, and anchoring of ships and offshore structures. WRL systems are crucial for maintaining the integrity of wire ropes in harsh marine environments, preventing corrosion and extending their service life. Mining: Wire ropes are essential in mining operations for hoisting and transporting materials, as well as for supporting mining equipment and structures. WRL systems help to lubricate wire ropes used in mine shafts, elevators, and haulage systems, reducing wear and prolonging their lifespan. Oil and Gas: In the oil and gas industry, wire ropes are used in drilling rigs, offshore platforms, and pipeline installations for lifting heavy equipment and conducting various operations. WRL systems play a vital role in lubricating wire ropes subjected to extreme operating conditions, including high pressures and corrosive environments. Transportation and Logistics: Wire ropes are employed in transportation and logistics for applications such as cargo handling, material handling equipment, and cable cars. WRL systems ensure the smooth operation and safety of wire ropes used in cranes, winches, and other handling equipment, especially in busy port facilities and warehouses. Agriculture and Forestry: Wire ropes find applications in agricultural machinery, logging equipment, and forestry operations for tasks like lifting, towing, and securing loads. WRL systems help to protect wire ropes from moisture, rust, and abrasion, maintaining their performance in rugged outdoor environments. Utilities and Power Generation: Wire ropes are utilized in utility infrastructure, such as power line maintenance, cableway systems, and telecommunications towers. WRL systems are employed to lubricate wire ropes used in tensioning systems, guy wires, and aerial tramways, ensuring reliability and longevity. These are just a few examples, but in general, any industry that relies on wire ropes for lifting, handling, or support applications can benefit from the use of Wire Rope Lubrication Systems.
  • What are Wire Rope Lubrication Systems (WRL) used for?
    Wire Rope Lubrication Systems (WRL) are used for applying lubricants to wire ropes in various industries and applications. The primary purposes of using WRL systems include: Reducing Friction: Lubrication helps to reduce friction between the strands of the wire rope and between the rope and any surfaces it comes into contact with during operation. This reduces wear and tear on the wire rope, prolonging its lifespan and improving its performance. Preventing Corrosion: Wire ropes are often exposed to moisture, chemicals, and other corrosive elements, especially in outdoor or marine environments. Lubricants applied by WRL systems create a protective barrier that shields the wire rope from corrosion, rust, and other forms of degradation. Enhancing Flexibility: Proper lubrication keeps the individual strands of the wire rope separate and allows them to move more freely relative to each other. This improves the flexibility and bending characteristics of the wire rope, making it easier to handle and reducing the risk of kinking or breaking. Maintaining Tension: Lubricated wire ropes maintain their tension more effectively, which is crucial for applications such as lifting, hoisting, and towing. Proper tensioning ensures the safe and efficient operation of equipment and reduces the risk of accidents or equipment failure. Improving Safety: Regular lubrication of wire ropes with WRL systems helps to identify any potential issues such as wear, abrasion, or damage to the rope. By maintaining the integrity of the wire rope, WRL systems contribute to overall equipment safety and reliability. Reducing Maintenance Costs: Properly lubricated wire ropes require less frequent maintenance and replacement, resulting in cost savings for businesses. WRL systems automate the lubrication process, making it more efficient and reducing labor costs associated with manual lubrication methods. Extending Service Life: By minimizing wear, corrosion, and fatigue, WRL systems help to extend the service life of wire ropes, reducing the frequency of replacements and downtime for equipment. This results in increased productivity and improved return on investment for businesses. Overall, Wire Rope Lubrication Systems play a crucial role in ensuring the optimal performance, safety, and longevity of wire ropes in various industrial and commercial applications.
  • Benefits of a Wire Rope Lubrication System
    Wire Rope Lubrication Systems (WRL) offer numerous benefits across various industries where wire ropes are utilized. Some of the key benefits include: Extended Lifespan: Proper lubrication provided by WRL systems helps to reduce friction and wear on wire ropes, thereby extending their service life. This leads to fewer replacements and lower maintenance costs over time. Reduced Downtime: By maintaining the integrity of wire ropes, WRL systems minimize the risk of unexpected failures and downtime associated with wire rope maintenance or replacement. This improves operational efficiency and productivity. Enhanced Safety: Well-lubricated wire ropes are less prone to wear-related failures such as breaks or strand distortion. This improves workplace safety by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries caused by wire rope failure. Improved Performance: Properly lubricated wire ropes exhibit smoother operation and reduced friction, leading to improved performance of equipment such as cranes, hoists, and elevators. This enhances overall operational efficiency and productivity. Corrosion Protection: Lubricants applied by WRL systems create a protective barrier that shields wire ropes from corrosion caused by moisture, chemicals, and environmental factors. This prolongs the lifespan of wire ropes, particularly in harsh operating conditions. Cost Savings: While there may be upfront costs associated with installing WRL systems and purchasing lubricants, the long-term benefits include reduced maintenance expenses, fewer replacements, and improved equipment reliability. This results in cost savings for businesses over the lifespan of their wire ropes. Environmental Benefits: Using WRL systems with environmentally friendly lubricants helps to minimize the environmental impact of wire rope maintenance activities. Properly lubricated wire ropes generate less friction, reducing energy consumption and associated emissions. Consistent Lubrication: WRL systems ensure consistent and uniform application of lubricant to wire ropes, regardless of the operating conditions or the experience level of the operator. This helps to optimize the performance and longevity of wire ropes across various applications. Customization Options: WRL systems are available in a variety of configurations and sizes to suit different types and sizes of wire ropes, as well as specific application requirements. This allows businesses to tailor their lubrication practices to meet their unique needs and challenges. Overall, Wire Rope Lubrication Systems offer a range of benefits that contribute to improved equipment reliability, safety, and cost-effectiveness in industries where wire ropes are essential components of operations.
  • Wire rope lubrication
    Wire rope lubrication is a crucial aspect of maintaining wire ropes, which are commonly used in various industries for lifting, hoisting, and towing applications. Lubrication helps to reduce friction, prevent corrosion, and extend the service life of the wire rope. Here's an overview of wire rope lubrication: Purpose: The primary purpose of lubricating wire ropes is to minimize friction between the individual wires and strands, as well as between the rope and the sheaves or drums over which it runs. This friction can cause wear, heat generation, and ultimately reduce the rope's lifespan. Types of Lubricants: There are different types of lubricants used for wire rope lubrication, including: Oil-based Lubricants: These are the most common and typically consist of mineral oils or synthetic oils. They provide good lubrication and corrosion protection. Greases: Greases are semi-solid lubricants made by mixing oil with a thickening agent. They adhere well to the wire rope and provide longer-lasting lubrication compared to oil-based lubricants. Dry Film Lubricants: These lubricants contain solid lubricating particles suspended in a carrier fluid. They leave a dry film on the wire rope surface, which reduces friction and prevents dust and dirt accumulation. Application Methods: Wire rope lubricants can be applied using various methods, including: Brushing: Using a brush to apply lubricant evenly along the length of the wire rope. Dipping: Immersing the wire rope in a container filled with lubricant. Spraying: Using a spray system to apply lubricant under pressure. Automatic Lubrication Systems: These systems are designed to continuously lubricate wire ropes while they are in operation, ensuring consistent lubrication and reducing maintenance requirements. Frequency of Lubrication: The frequency of wire rope lubrication depends on several factors, including the application, operating conditions, and environmental factors. In general, wire ropes should be lubricated regularly, with more frequent lubrication required for ropes operating under heavy loads or in harsh environments. Benefits of Lubrication: Proper lubrication of wire ropes offers several benefits, including: Reduced friction and wear Prevention of corrosion Extended service life of the wire rope Improved performance and efficiency of lifting and hoisting operations Safety Considerations: When lubricating wire ropes, it's essential to follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries. This includes using appropriate personal protective equipment, ensuring proper ventilation in confined spaces, and avoiding over-lubrication, which can attract dirt and debris. Overall, wire rope lubrication is a critical maintenance task that helps to ensure the safe and efficient operation of equipment relying on wire ropes.
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